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Ready-made Easter egg hunt riddles to use with the family

Ready-made Easter egg hunt riddles to use with the family

If you want to make this Easter that bit more special, you should organise an Easter egg hunt. Having an Easter egg scavenger hunt (with riddles) that travels from indoors to outdoors will not only encourage healthy play and interaction with other children, it’s also a really fun way of celebrating the Easter holiday.

So without further ado, here are our favourite Easter egg hunt clues. We’re going to give you a few rhymes that will give your little ones a clue as to where their Easter eggs are hidden. Happy hunting!

Don’t forget! Browse our collection of cheap Easter toys and accessories while you’re here - you might even find the perfect addition to your at-home Easter egg hunt.

Ready-made Easter egg hunt clues

Our Easter egg hunt clues are for children, and they’re perfect for getting your children’s brains whirring. They’re age-appropriate and are not too hard (or easy!). Let’s get riddling!

Indoor Easter egg hunt

Indoor Easter egg hunt clues

Hide the eggs on a windowsill...

This clue is tricky, that’s for certain,

Is there something behind the curtain?

Hide the eggs under the kitchen table...

I have four legs

But cannot walk.

You sit at me

To use your fork.

Hide the eggs in bed...

I’m the perfect place to snuggle down for the night...

Have a look where you go to sleep tight.

Hide the eggs in a bedroom drawer...

In this drawer is where I sit

Look where your underpants and socks sit.

Hide the eggs behind a sofa cushion...

Where do you sit to watch TV?

Maybe there is where you’ll find me.

Outdoor Easter egg hunt

Outdoor Easter egg hunt clues

Hide the eggs in a plant pot...

Where eggs are hidden, we have a lot

Have a look in the plant _ _ _.

Hide the eggs somewhere in the grass...

I'm short and green

I'm outside all day

Could the eggs be hiding

Where you like to play?

Hide the eggs on the slide...

Your Easter eggs do love to hide

But could you find them on the _ _ _ _ _?

Hide the eggs near the car...

With wheels and seats, we can travel far

Perhaps your eggs are waiting near the _ _ _.

Hide the eggs in the shed...

I'm in the garden

and I'm like a small house

But just for the lawnmower

Maybe even a mouse.

5 tips for an amazing Easter egg hunt

Now you have some ready-made Easter riddles, here are a few pointers on how you can make this Easter’s celebrations the best yet. 

Stock up early

Shops will start to stock Easter eggs around early February time, so keep an eye out for deals. You’ll do yourself a favour by buying early - that way it won’t be a mad (and expensive) rush come Easter weekend.

Limit the hunt to a safe and contained area

Designate a specific area for your hunt. Your home is good enough! Make use of its nooks and crannies - just remember where you’ve hidden them.

Have a special egg

Make it known that somewhere there is a ‘special egg’. Maybe it’s much bigger than the others, or there are extra eggs inside it. Whatever it is, make sure that your kids are excited about this bonus prize. Exciting!

Hide appropriately

Think about the ages of the kids involved and hide according to their age. You can’t expect a group of four-year-olds to reach up high while hiding them in plain sight will be far too easy for the older ones.

Colour coding is vital

To keep it fair, colour code the eggs and tell the kids of varying ages to hunt for the colours that match their abilities. You’ll avoid lots of potential tears!

Happy hunting

With the above tips, you’ll make this Easter the best one yet. Have you started your shopping yet? Take a look at our Easter toys. You can keep up to date with our content with our blog - it has everything you need to know about children’s toys.