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What makes a good toy?

What makes a good toy?

The importance of toys in child development is often overlooked. There’s a reason why most toys for kids are brightly coloured, loud, and feature a variety of textures. They stimulate the child’s sensory development and help them become familiar with different sights, sounds, and textures. You may have seen your child gaze in awe at a ruffled carpet or become obsessed with your thick-knitted cardigan - it’s the textures that are so interesting!

So, if you’re shopping for toys and you’re at a loss for what to get your niece, nephew, son or daughter, you should probably go with toys that are interesting to touch and are brightly coloured. These are the best toys for development.

However, there are loads of other features that you should look out for too. Our article gives you a rundown of everything that makes a good toy. Give it a read!

Does the toy stimulate your child’s imagination?


Playtime for young children is a time of imagination and creativity. There are so many narratives and stories being told, and toys should help to bring these narratives and stories to life. The perfect time for this kind of development is the toddler years, when your child starts to think imaginatively.

Whether it’s a toy truck or pony set, pick toys that support your child’s imagination and promote social interaction with other children. You can also use toys to encourage interests in art or music! If your little one is a Picasso-in-the-making then a paint set would be perfect.

A good toy should encourage active play


Choose a toy that your child will want to get to grips with (a toy they will want to bite, grab, pull, shake, and hold on to). This includes things like rattles for younger children and soft toys for slightly older children.

Active play is vital for hand-eye coordination and sensory interaction, so think about how your child will get to grips with the toy. An added benefit of these kinds of toys is that your child can use these to help with teething.

They should be sturdy and well-made


If your child goes through toys like they’re going out of fashion, you’ll know how important it is that they’re well-made. Like we said in the previous section, these toys are going to be put through their paces!

They’ll be pulled, pushed, thrown around, and probably dipped in a variety of liquids (from bath water to squash). They need to be sturdy! Before buying, get to grips with the toy yourself so that you can see just how well-made it is.

Your child’s toys should include a physical aspect


As the focus for children’s toys often includes tablet or computer technology, it’s important that your children also have toys that encourage physical movement and get them out in the open.

Toys like hula hoops, footballs, skates, and scooters are all excellent ways of giving your child the confidence to play sports once they start school and instil the importance of exercise and healthy living for later in life.

Think about cooperative play


We all remember how easy it was to make friends as a kid, and a big part of that was the vast selection of games we had to play with. Things like board games and puzzles help kids to see the value in team play and cooperation, as well as strengthening their social skills. They promote learning and improve problem-solving skills, both of immense value for later in life!

Which is right for your child?

When you’re choosing a toy for a child, a combination of all the above aspects will ensure that you choose the right one. You want them to have fun while learning (just don’t tell them about the learning part - it usually happens without them even realising!)

We have loads of textured toys that your child will love, as well as a vast range of creative toys that will spark your child’s imagination and bring out their inner artiste. Take a look and keep an eye on our blog for more updates like this one!