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Fun Activities For Kids To Do At Home

Fun Activities For Kids To Do At Home

Following the news that the schools would be closing on Friday 20th March, a lot of parents will be wondering what they can do to stop their kids from becoming so bored being at home for an extended period of time.

But don't worry, as we here at Toys for a Pound have put together a blog on some fun activities for kids to at home with their parents - have a read of them and see what you can do to keep them entertained!

Drawing Games

While you and your little ones are stuck in the house, why not let their creativity flow? Play a drawing game such as Pictionary, or maybe draw something against your little one's back (on paper obviously), and have them guess what you've drawn! Why not grab this AWESOME Peppa Pig 3x Pen Set!


Get Cooking

With your little one not learning in school, this might be the perfect time to introduce them to something new - cooking! They can watch and learn as well as being VERY creative! Why not make some of their favourite foods together, such as creating a homemade pizza, or a scrumptious chocolate cake?!

Have a Movie Day

Nothing beats getting all cosy on the sofa and flying through a good movie series! Well if you and your little one LOVE Disney, you're in luck! With Disney+ due to release in the UK on March 24th, you can watch ALL the Toy Story movies, Frozen, Star Wars AND all 30 series of The Simpsons from the comfort of your living room!


Board Games and Puzzles

One way to keep your child occupied for hours on end is with board games and puzzles! We here at Toys for a Pound have a FAB collection of games and puzzles, with something suitable for everyone, so make sure to take a look at what we have available while you're here!

Scavenger Hunt

Who doesn't love a good old-fashioned scavenger hunt? Why not set your little one a list of 10 things to collect, such as something shiny, something pink, something small and something that makes noises, then give them 30 minutes to find them all! Hours of fun guaranteed!

Get Slimy

Okay, so I think it's safe to say ALL kids LOVE slime, right? Not only is it a big, gooey, fun mess, it's also surprisingly important for your child's development! Slime helps children develop their senses, as the ability to mould and shape it into whatever they want gives them a sense of coordination and exploration! Luckily for you, we here at Toys for a Pound have a brilliant selection of Slime, so grab some today for some marvously messy fun! We are especially LOVING this awesome Monster Slime Pack for just £1!

Exercise in the Garden

One thing that's easy to forget now the kids are off school, is that they're missing out on the vital exercise they got during break time at school. This is why we think an awesome idea is to do a workout with your little one, such as a race around the garden, or, if you don't have a garden, why not challenge your little one to a sit-up competition?!

Don't forget, we have a fantastic summer toys collection, where you can find all kinds of toys that will have them running about the garden in no time!


Make a Time Capsule

Time capsules are always a good idea when you're looking for something to do with your little one! The thing we LOVE so much about them is that in 20 years time - or whenever you decide to open them - they'll provide SO much nostalgia about your lovely family life, and it'll take you all back to where it all began!

There are so many fun activities for kids to do at home - the possibilities are endless! We hope that this guide proves helpful in your quest for fun and entertainment for kids, but don't forget to check out some of our collections while you're here, for more activity inspiration! Our arts & crafts and play sets & activity toys collections are a great place to start.