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Preparing your Child for their Return to School

Preparing your Child for their Return to School

As it stands, on Monday 8th March all schools will be opening their doors to kids after around a year of uncertainty due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
Despite the fact your little one will be excited to get back and see all their friends on a regular basis, re-adapting to the normality of school might be quite a difficult task.
That's why we here at Toys for a Pound have put together a blog on ideas and tips to help get your child prepared for their return to school!
Focus on the Positives
It is likely that your little one will feel slightly nervous or apprehensive about returning to school, simply because it's been such a long time since they were in a regular school routine. Make sure to remind them of the positives, that they'll get to see their friends everyday, and that they'll continue to learn about so many cool different subjects!
Speak to your Child
Another simple way to help your child is to speak to them about any concerns they may have about returning with regards to safety. If they express their worries to you, you will be able to reassure them with important information that will help them feel safe while they're at school!
Talk to Teachers
Another thing you can do is speak to your child's teachers before they go back. They will know the exact schedule and information such as where they'll spend lunchtime or the classroom layout, for your little ones return to class. Once you've done this, you can relay the details to your child so they aren't overwhelmed with all the changes when they go back!
Get Back into Routine
Something we have all missed during this pandemic is the lack of routine. This is also true for kids, who will surely have found themselves out of sorts at times whilst they were in and out of school throughout 2020 and so far in 2021. Try to plan a routine ahead of time for sleep, homework and relaxing to get your little one back into the swing of things!
Focus on Needs
As we all know, every child is different, so be sure to focus on exactly what your child needs in terms of support and preparation! Why not ask your little one what they need to be able to feel happy about going back to school?
Keep Talking
Once your child has returned to school, try to make an extra effort in asking them how their day was, and exactly what they got up to! Offering prompts to start conversations will help your little one express their feelings and emotions more openly, which of course is what we all want!
However one HUGE thing we need to remember, is that the transition for our little ones going back to school isn't going to be smooth sailing, just like everything else in the last year! We should encourage our kids to speak about any worries or concerns they may have, as we will DEFO be able to help!