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Tips To Keep Spirits Up During Lockdown

Tips To Keep Spirits Up During Lockdown

At the time of writing, the UK has just entered its third lockdown, and it's not looking like the situation is going to improve imminently. However, if there's one thing we've learnt during all this, it's that we need to look after each other, and ourselves.

We here at Toys for a Pound are delighted to be able to provide quality toys to keep smiles on the faces of your loved ones, and we are here today to share some of our tips to keep spirits up during this tough time!

1. Eat Well

Try to eat as well as you can, providing nourishing meals for you and your loved ones, as this is good for both your mental and physical health. Always aim for all your family to consume at least 5 fruit and veg a day, as you can never have too many greens!!

2. Stay In Routine

One of the most important things to remember during lockdown is how vital a routine is to your daily life. If you're finding yourself at home more, try to wake up early, get dressed and attack the day! Having a proper schedule in place will help you stay motivated!

3. Pick Up A New Habit

Lockdown presents the perfect opportunity for you to pick up a new habit or hobby. As you'll have more time on your hands, you can put more into it, and learning a new skill has the added benefit of keeping your brain working!

4. Read

You're never alone with a book! One tip we've utilised LOADS during lockdown is to read as much as possible and try to limit your screen time in the process! Perhaps you could try a podcast or an audiobook as an alternative, as these allow you to multitask - something we ALL do!!

5. Exercise

Getting in exercise as much as you can is a great idea during the lockdown! Even though gyms are currently shut, there are thousands of home workouts you can find on YouTube that don't require equipment! You could also get yourself out for a run, as NOTHING beats a runners buzz!!

6. Relax

As the bad news seems like it has no end at the moment, we are all more than deserving of a break. We've all experienced difficulties in recent months, so be sure to make time to relax and chill out by parking yourself in front of the tv, having a bath, or however you like!

7. Maintain Relationships

One of the toughest aspects many of us have faced during lockdown is that we are unable to see many of our loved ones. Although it's not quite the same as seeing them in the flesh, video calls, letters or texts are all great ways to stay in touch during the current climate!

8. Look After Your Little Ones

This unprecedented time with ever-changing rules can be a confusing time for our kids. We all have to do our best to continue to be role models for our little ones, so be sure to constantly check up on how they're feeling! Also be sure to make time for play, exercise, and have fun!

One important thing to remember is that we need shouldn't be afraid to reach out to our loved ones, as we are living in challenging times! Be sure to express your feelings, as countless people will feel the same as you, and make sure to take care of yourself and others!