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How to limit your child's screen time

How to limit your child's screen time

Although you cannot avoid the influence electronics such as TV and smartphones have on the younger generation, too much screen time isn't good for your little one.
This is why we here at Toys for a Pound have put together a list of ideas for you to limit your child's screen time!

Create 'Technology-Free' Zones 

One way to decrease the amount of screen time your little one has is to establish zones across your house in which no screens, such as phones, are permitted. Places such as the dining room would be ideal, as you can reserve this area solely for meals and family conversations.

Encourage Outdoor Play

Outdoor play is so important to your child's development, as it allows them to explore and learn about the environment around them. There is also the obvious benefit of physical exercise they'll be getting, which is vital for muscle development. Check out our range of cheap summer toys for kids, guaranteed to help encourage some fun and games in the great outdoors. 

Set a Good Example

Remember that as well as limiting your child's screen time, you should do your best to limit your own. Binge watching a series on Netflix or scrolling through your phone for hours on end sets a bad example! Why not spend the time playing a game such as Dominoes?

Use Parental Controls

Using parental controls on the TV and online is a good way to help you monitor what your little one watches on TV and what he or she views online. You could also obtain your child's passwords if they have any social media accounts, as they may not be old enough to deal with online problems such as cyber-bullying. It's important for you to take responsibility for your child's online safety.

Don't Allow Screens in your Child's Bedroom

It's pretty much impossible to monitor how much screen time your little one has if they have screens such as TVs, computers and video game systems in their bedroom. So why not limit their screens to the living room? If your child has a smartphone in their room, they could spend hours on it, which can interfere with their sleep.

We all know of the unbelievable things technology can do and bring to today's society, but it's important to find a middle ground between technology and play. While giving your child an iPad to play on for hours may keep them quiet, too much time spent looking at screens will hinder their development, so establishing a balance is pivotal.