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How to motivate your child to do their homework

How to motivate your child to do their homework

We all know what a struggle it can be getting your little one to complete their homework, after spending all day at school doing work.

However, we all also know how important homework is to children's development, so we here at Toys for a Pound have put together a list of ways to motivate your child to get their homework done to a fab standard!

Give them a Break After School

If your child is made to do their homework as soon as they get home from school, they'll burnout. So why not give them a break between getting home and doing their work. Giving them some time to rest will motivate them, as well as improve the quality of their work!


Lead by Example

While you child does their homework, try to avoid doing things they'd also rather be doing, such as watching TV. Perhaps read a book, or do some studying of your own to help motivate your little one!


Provide Motivation

Show encouragement and appreciation of your child completing their homework through incentives. You could take them on a trip to their favourite place, or perhaps get them a small treat such as our Dinosaur Building Bricks Set or our Glitter Mosaic Art Play Set!


Be There to Help

Your child will be SO appreciative of you if you're on hand to help them complete their homework! Why not go the extra mile and check your child's work after they've finished?



Make Homework a 'Technology-free' Zone

Banning phones and tablets during homework time benefits everyone. Your child will complete their homework to a higher standard due to the lack of distractions, and as they are little distractions, it'll be finished quicker, allowing for more family time! YAY!


Establish a Study Routine

Set a time each day when your little one will do their homework. Speak to them about what time they think this should be! They will appreciate you listening to their choice of time! Children also thrive in structure, even though they may protest!!


We ALL at one point during our school years got fed up with doing homework, so we have to remember our little ones are in that same position now! We have to try and reason with them, so give them all the encouragement you can!