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  • Disney Villains We Love To Hate

    Disney Villains We Love To Hate

    Disney villains. We LOVE to hate them, but admit it, a lot of our favourite films wouldn’t be the same without them… Because we ALL love a Disney movie, we...

  • Toys to Enjoy During Lockdown

    Toys to Enjoy During Lockdown

    As it looks like the current lockdown isn't ending anytime soon, It's so important that our kids continue to learn and keep busy as much as they can at home! However fear not!...

  • Easter Gift Guide 2020

    Easter Gift Guide 2020

    From children’s Easter gifts to egg hunt and party decorations, don’t miss Toys for a Pound’s non-chocolate Easter gift guide for 2020! See our top picks here!

  • Best cheap one pound toys to cure boredom

    Best Toys to Cure Boredom

    From keeping the kids entertained over school holidays to adding some variety to their toy collection, these toys are guaranteed to keep boredom at bay.

  • How to Help Your Child Read

    How to Help Your Child Read

    Teaching your child to read doesn't have to be difficult, not with our handy top tips to make the experience fun for all involved. Read them here and give them...

  • Why Blind Bags Are Awesome!

    Why Blind Bags Are Awesome!

    At Toys For A Pound we are BUZZING for Christmas, and the countdown to Christmas is well underway – with less than a month remaining till your kids will be excitedly waking...