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  • The 6 Stages of Play

    The 6 Stages of Play

    Have you ever paid attention to the way your child plays? We here at Toys for a Pound think the subject is a very interesting and important one, which is...

  • The Importance of Toys in a Child's Development

    The Importance of Toys in a Child's Development

    Toys play a crucial role in a child's development. They are not just objects of entertainment; they serve as tools for learning, exploration, and creativity! In this blog, we here...

  • toys for a pound

    10 Of Our All-Time Favourite Toys

    You might be aware that over on our Instagram (@toysforapound_) we run a weekly 'Toy Throwback Thursday' where we reminisce about some of the toys we used to LOVE when...

  • Toys to Enjoy During Lockdown

    Toys to Enjoy During Lockdown

    As it looks like the current lockdown isn't ending anytime soon, It's so important that our kids continue to learn and keep busy as much as they can at home! However fear not!...



    Slime, the 2018 version of our Play-doh. It comes in all shapes and sizes, colours and themes. With wildly bright colours, glitter and glow in the dark slime, the new...